That's my computer :). I have couple of other snaps also of my wonder machine. I will post them as soon as i get my hands on them.

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I wanted to wait till i got the official documents from the old company. I resigned two days back from ACS and joined IBM India yesterday as Senior Software Engineer. In a gap of a year i have gone from working for small company to one of the biggest companies in the world. Two years back, i never thought i would have the opportunity to work for IBM. Anyways, i got that dream realised now i gotta realise the MCAD dream. If you are wondering what that is, i have been planning to finish the MCAD certification for the past two years :(. Yeap, for the past two years, i have postponed writing that exam. Now i cannot postpone more, once i am done with my MCA exams, i will start with the MCAD papers. I can only hope i get through them with good marks. I gotta go now, the induction programme is today afternoon. Gotta attend those stuff, not sure why, but what the heck attend i will. Anyways I am happy with what i have right now and that's what counts in life ;-). Being happy in life is what counts :-)
The week has been pretty hectic. Didn't get a chance to blog all week except maybe for a day. Finally tomorrow my package will be release to the local public . Hopefully everything should go well.
After i finished my packaging work i read some comic's from http://thecomicproject.blogspot.com/. It was really refreshing to read some of the old Phantom comics that i grew up with. The blogger has also posted Madrake the Magician, he was another favourite of mine. Spent sometime reading, then my TL came online and we started fixing and discovering the bugs in the package. All seems to be well now, he has just said the package is all set to go and he is updating the main production server. I only hope all goes well with the user's also and they are able to use the tool effectively. OKAY!! i gotta go now, back to home to my room to play some games and do some .net programming. One of these days i gotta post some articles of technical nature in this blog. OK there's a long time for that. Gotta JETTT Nowwwwwwwwwww!!
Its been sometime since i posted and here goes. The weekend went well. Didn't do anything fruitful as usual. I was just lazing around the house and played some games and ate a lot. I recently started going to the Gym and trust me going to the gym is no kid stuff. I have to getup at 5:00 am and walk around 2.5 km's to the gym. There they give a variety of workout for each of muscle in the body. Well since i just started, i thankfully don't have to do it all and i gotta do some exerciese's for my Abs(stomach muscles) and my tripceps and biceps(Read hand muscles). The routine is fairly simple to say but very breath taking. Yep, after the routine i gotta lay down for 5 minutes to catch my breath. I gotta keep doing this till i my body gets the hang of it.
I mentioned games somewhere in my post above, i am gonna comment one game that i played over the weekend. The game's name is Indian Jones - The infernal machine. It's one hell of game, i was playing only a demo level and it seems fun so far. One of these days, i will have to cough up some cash buy that game and play the whole game. It looks interesting and from what i have played it promises to be interesting. I hope to get it say in december. I should have finished my exams by then and i will have lots of time to sit and play games.
Talking about exams, i gotta start taking down the syllabus and search google for some good material on it cause the material that the university gave me is downright rubbish and pathetic and stupid and put a lot of angry bad adjectives here. Pathetic i tell you, for the money we give them, they oughta get us atleast some good material. I sincerely hope to find some good stuff in google otherwise i am doomed in this exam also. Govindaaa Govindaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. OKay i gotta go now, gotta do some packaging and installation.
As per a friend's (vbcity member) suggestion i have downloaded windows live writer for my blogging needs. All looks good so far, it has a simple interface and it mirrors to word i guess. I will be blogging later more about trip to mahabaleshwar yesterday, till then see ya'll later