Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Windows Live Writer and other updates

I just reinstalled windows live writer. I am way too lazy to open up my browser and login to blogger and click a series of buttons and type my rant. So I installed writer to help me being lazy ;-). Just came from a coffee break, feeling refreshed now. The manager said he will confirm my transfer details today. Hopefully it shouldn't take longer than a week. In other updates, I plan to completely rewrite my Bill Tracking application that I wrote for my BIL's company. They needed some new features and I had to change my database design for that. I thought if I am going to change the database design why not change the code base and make it more OOP. I wrote the previous application in VB.net and the new version I am gonad do it in C#. Its time I seriously started learning C#, I mean with the current application its gonna be a relative easy since half of the code is gonna be database oriented and some of it are already there in another db related application I wrote. The main difficulty or the main rewrite comes in the form UI. I have planned some radical changes to the UI. I was drawing up some mockups in the free time I got today morning while traveling the bus.  Couple of screens are left though, but gonna start with the base screen first and then proceed with it. Ok gotta go now, got some official work to do ;-). Till I meet you bee gooood and dooo gooooood :)

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