Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Sniper – Art Of Victory with cheats

So i finally got bitten by the cheat  bug and used it in this game. Blaming the bug would be secondary, i really got tired getting killed in the first mission once i crossed the bridge, yeah i know i am not really a good sniper but i am trying!! . I was just not able to get across the three ever observant guards. I tried couple of times but no luck, one of them was throwing grenade’s at me for god’s sake, where is the justice in that. Anyway's, if you wanna play in cheat mode all you need to do is Press “~” symbol once the game loads and type “Cheat.GodMode()” and Press the Enter key. It will enable god mode, remember if you want to disable it, just type the same text and it will be disabled. Once you are in god mode, you can go stand right in front of the freaking soldier

and slowly take out your knife and kill him. Trust me, its fun the first couple of times but kinda gets boring. Couple of other cheats are, Cheat.AddAmmo() , gives lot’s of ammo’s, and Cheat.GiveAllWeapons(), gives all the weapons. These three are the only cheats that i used in the game. I was able to progress couple of missions in the game but nevertheless lost interest in my immortality. Problem is, once you know that any amount of bullets is not gonna hurt you, you tend to get a bit cocky and start a shooting spree which is not exactly the objective of the game is it ? Anyway's, i got stuck at the level where i am supposed to kill a general, apparently i wasn’t hiding properly. See even being in God Mode didn’t help me clear the level. After that i never got time to go into the game again, maybe one of these days when i do get time i might just go in normal mode and teach those soldier’s who’s the boss in the game :D.

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