Monday, July 09, 2007

Nhibernate and my woes

I am finally giving up on Nhibernate. I tried to configure it for Firebird for a small project of mine but no luck. I tried for three days and i couldnt find a guide that "I" could understand. There are tons of guide out there for SQL Server and Nhibernate but only one or two for firebird and Nhibernate. Unfortunately for me, i really didnt understand any of it. So for now, the billing project is going back to the small class i wrote for firebird, its not the best of the solution but neverthless for my small application that will do. I should be able to complete the application in another 4 days if i work 2 or 3 hours daily. I have two weeks to finish it starting now..

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Ayende Rahien said...

Have you asked in the forums?

VikramJb said...

Its a pleasant surprise hearing from you. No I haven't asked in the forums. Guess i was too busy concentrating on the help files and searching Google that i completely missed the forums. Maybe my next version of this application or if time permits this version itself will go out with Nhibernate. Thanks for the tip though. Let's see what it turns up.