Thursday, July 12, 2007

A Poem

I was browsing one of the Google groups and i saw couple of lines which made me write the rest. The first four lines are not mine, but modified. The rest are mine fully mine. I wrote it for Geetha Priya (my better half).

I make mistakes, my heart seeks repentance
My tears will always fall, so does yours
The world is turning, and I am learning
What matters most of all, I am not alone
Neither are you, we are together in this world
To support each other, to scold each other
To love each other

There was time when i cried for you..
I still do, but not out of sadness
Not because you are away from me
Out of happiness that you finally became one in me
You are there in my heart, forever inside me
Etched in my heart your image lives
Etched in my heart you live

This is all i could think of now. If something else occurs in my mind will remember to post it here.

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